Modularizing Foundational Engineering Courses with a Classroom Proof Assistant

This project aims to develop web-based learning modules to address the limitations of foundational mathematics courses, like EECS 203 (Discrete Mathematics), which cannot cover in-depth topics needed for various upper-level courses at the University of Michigan. As these base-level topics are critical prerequisites for advanced courses, there’s a need to provide students with additional resources to master topics such as logical derivations, structural induction, and graph theory proofs, with built-in, automated feedback to allow students to evaluate their work in real-time. The learning modules will offer expository content and problem sets as remedial tools in upper-level EECS courses. This approach is expected to offer tailored support and enhance student learning efficiency, particularly for complex proof problems where immediate feedback is crucial for understanding.

Project Team

Cyrus Omar
Computer Science and Engineering

Greg Bodwin
Computer Science and Engineering

Max New
Computer Science and Engineering

Jean-Baptiste Jeannin
Aerospace Engineering


This team was awarded $50,000 in funding in Summer 2024.