DEI Data

This project involves incorporating new elements into Technical Communications 496 (TC 496), a required course that senior electrical engineering and computer engineering students take alongside their major design experience course. To increase transparency in assignments and enhance students’ learning, the instructor will update project documentation, slide design, and document accessibility.  In addition, the instructor will enrich current instruction on visuals, which focuses on aesthetics and rhetorical impact, to address strategies for pursuing equity in visual representations of data sets involving multiple social groups, rather than reinforcing biases. Hiring a student collaborator will help expand instruction around various visualization technologies in the course, potentially including Python, Matlab and/or Processing.  These new course elements will be disseminated through the shared DEIJ drive for all technical communications instructors to further the project’s impact.

Project Team

Kelly Bowker
Technical Communications


This team received $ 2,500 in funding in the Winter 2023 term.